Editor Documentation


The WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) Editor is a way to quickly and easily create HTML based pages for your website.  Below is a list of functions the editor can perform.



These 3 buttons will bold, italic, and underline the selected text

Default Font/Font Size

This will change the font and font size for the selected text.

Foreground Color/Background Color

This will change the foreground/background color of the selected text.


This will align the selected text depending on the button clicked.  Justify will align the text evenly on both sides.

Ordered/Unordered List

This will insert an ordered (1,2,3..) list or an unordered (bulleted) list.

Apply Style

This tool will format the selected text as a CSS (cascading style sheets) style.  The styles are set up initially by your website consultant, and will at least contain the "Title" style, which will apply the title properties defined in the Site Profile to the selected text.

Table Editor

This tool will insert a table, explained in detail in the table tool documentation.

Insert HTML

This tool will allow you to inject specific HTML into your document, such as a paragraph, line break, or horizontal line.

Insert Image/Hyperlink

The Insert Image tool will allow you to upload an image or. select an image from the image gallery.  See the Image Tool help topic for more information. The Hyperlink tool will prompt you for an external web address.  If you want to link to a page within your site, see the Website Links tool below.

Website Links

This tool will link the currently selected text to the selected page in the pull-down list. The pages that display in this list are all pages on the site, ordered by Navigation Pages, their Child Pages (if any), and Internal Pages.

Document Links/Upload Document

This tool works similarly to the Website Links (above) tool, but displays all documents that have been uploaded via the Upload Document tool.  Note that any documents uploaded via the Site Widgets tool will not appear here.  The Upload Document tool, when clicked, will prompt you for a document to upload.  It will then appear in the Document Links pull-down list.

Insert Widget

This tool will insert a Website Widget, at the current cursor position.  For more information, see the Widget Tool for more information.

View HTML/Optimize

View HTML will display the raw HTML of the document, and allow you to make changes to it.  Only those familiar with HTML should use this tool.  Optimize will scroll the page to make the content editing area of the Editor fit as large as possible.


Additionally, depending on your browser, you can hit Ctrl + Z to "Undo" the previous operation.